Recent Consultations 

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 requires social landlords to consult tenants and take account of their views when making decisions about proposed rent increases and other housing activities. 

The Scottish Social Housing Charter sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords in Scotland should aim to achieve when performing their housing activities. The Charter does not prescribe how landlords should consult tenants about proposed rent increases but it does contain 16 standards and outcomes.

Below you will find the most recent consultations that are taking place or have taken place.

SECTION 1: Tenant consultation: 2025-26 Rent Proposal, Revised Tenant Participation Policy & new customer services

We consulted all our tenants about our proposed rent increase for 2025-26, along with some other exciting developments. A cover letter explaining what we wanted you to consider is here.

To read the Rent Increase Proposal document use this link and feedback from the consultation can be found here.

The draft Tenant Participation Policy can be found here.  To give us feedback on this Policy, all the other areas AND to give us your up to date contact details use this link - it should take 10 minutes or less to complete this.

If you would like to complete a form relating to equality data, please download and use this one and e-mail/post it back to us.

If you have any questions about any of this, please get in touch with

SECTION 2: EASY READ - Tenant consultation: 2025-26 Rent Proposal, Revised Tenant Participation Policy & new customer services

We asked all our tenants what they think about our proposed rent increase for 2025-26, along with some other exciting developments. A cover letter explaining what we wanted you to consider is here.

The Rent Increase Proposal document can be found here and the feedback document here.

To read the draft Tenant Participation Policy use this link. To give us feedback on this Policy, all the other areas & your up to date contact details use this link - it should take 10 minutes or less to complete this.

If you would like to complete a form relating to equality data, please download this one and post/e-mail it back to us.

If you have any questions about any of this, please get in touch with

Annual Return on the Scottish Social Housing Charter - Tenant Report 2022-23 - TELL US WHAT YOU THINK

Please tell us what you think about the latest Annual Tenant Report. The link is here.

Bike Storage - Back Hilton Road, Aberdeen

We are delighted to announce that Ark has been successful in applying for the funding of bike storage units from Cycling Scotland.  

Following a tenant consultation in 2019 Back Hilton Road, Aberdeen has been identified as a location where bike storage units will be installed for tenants.

Tenant Consultation Paper

Please note this is no longer an active consultation

Annual Return Charter Report – Tenant Consultation 2022

As a registered social landlord Ark is regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator and monitored against the Scottish Social Housing Charter


Each year we produce an ARC Report, this is the Annual Return Charter. This report outlines how we have performed in the previous year against the set of standards that are set out by Scottish Housing Regulator.


We want to know more about how useful you find the report and whether we should change it. In the survey we ask if anyone would like to volunteer to help shape the final version of the ARC report and be a member of our Scrutiny Group. We have attached last year’s report as a reminder for you to review.


We have created a survey that you can access via the link below


The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete, by completing this survey you will help to shape the next report.


Please note this survey will close on Friday 9th  September 2022.

Rent Increase Consultation 22/23

Rent consultation briefing paper which lays out the factors considered when looking at the two choices of rent increase for 2022-23. 

Rent Increase Consultation 22/23

Feedback form

Please note this is no longer an active consultation. Feedback forms were to be completed and returned by Friday 14th January 2022. 

Bike Storage - Hoseason Gardens, Edinburgh

We are delighted to announce that Ark has been successful in applying for the funding of bike storage units from Cycling Scotland.  

Following a tenant consultation in 2019 Hoseason Gardens, Edinburgh has been identified as a location where bike storage units will be installed for tenants.

Tenant Consultation Paper 

Please note this is no longer an active consultation

Annual Return Charter Report – Tenant Consultation 2021

As a registered social landlord Ark is regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator and monitored against the Scottish Social Housing Charter

Each year we produce an ARC Report, this is the Annual Return Charter. This report outlines how we have performed in the previous year against the set of standards that are set out by Scottish Housing Regulator.

We want to know more about how useful you find the report and whether we should change it. Question 14 of the survey asks if anyone would like to volunteer to help shape the final version of the ARC report and we would welcome such input. We have attached last year’s report as a reminder for you to review.

We have created a survey that you can access via the link below

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, by completing this survey you will help to shape the next report.

Please note this survey will close on Friday 17th September 2021.

Please note this is no longer an active consultation