If you are looking to rent a property in one of our many locations throughout Scotland click on our interactive map below. It shows;
- where we have properties
- the sizes, house types and number of properties
- how you can apply for housing in that area - dependant on the location that you select you may be diverted to an external website to apply.
Please note that this does not mean that these properties are available for let.
You will find more information about the different application processes below.
Apply For Housing
Ark Housing Application Form
For housing in some of our developments you will be directed to complete Ark’s housing application form. When received the application will be pointed on housing need in accordance with Ark’s Allocation Policy. When a mainstream property becomes available we will run a shortlist and the property will be allocated to the applicant with the highest level of housing need, subject to all pre-allocation checks. To allow us to report on equality opportunities, please also download, complete and return an Equality Monitoring Form which can be found here.
EdIndex is a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council and 18 Housing Associations/co-operatives in Edinburgh, Ark is one of these Housing Associations. If you are looking to be rehoused in Edinburgh you will be directed to the EdIndex external website. If you are not already registered you will need to register, you only need to complete one application to apply for houses provided by the landlords. If Ark have any available mainstream properties to let within the Edinburgh area these will be advertised on the Key to Choice website, where you can place a bid for it. Properties are advertised weekly online from 3.30pm on a Friday until the next Friday at 3pm. More information about Edindex can be found here.
These Homes
These Homes is a Digital Lettings Service, which has been designed to give tenants improved access to affordable rented properties. Ark uses These Homes to advertise mainstream properties in the Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City area. You must register with These Homes before you can apply for housing in these areas. If Ark have any mainstream properties available to let within these areas they will be available for applicants to apply for via These Homes. More information about These Homes can be found here.
Supported Accommodation
Ark have a number of developments where we provide accommodation with support. This includes support from Ark’s Care and Support team and other external support providers.
Housing Exchanges
When two or more tenants, who have a Scottish Secure Tenancy, wish to exchange houses with each other it may be possible to do so by a mutual exchange. You may exchange with: Another Ark tenant A tenant of another housing association or Council.