Performance Reports
Tenant Satisfaction Survey
One of the most important and useful measures is the findings of our Tenant Satisfaction Survey, which is carried out every 3 years. An Action Plan is created to address any areas where our performance falls below the standards we aim to achieve. Ark Housing commissioned M·E·L Research In 2020 to carry out the survey. It coincided with the publication of Ark’s new Business Plan for 2020-2025. To align this new plan, Ark were keen to find out what customers are looking for from them and their service needs.
Two versions of the questionnaire were designed, a standard version for mainstream tenants (including guardians of supported tenants) and a large print, easy-read version for supported tenants. We used a mixed method (online and postal) approach to obtain 178 responses from tenants. A copy of Ark's most recent tenant satisfaction survey can be found here.
Annual Return to Charter (ARC) Report to Tenants
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 introduced a legal requirement on all RSLs to report their performance against the Charter requirements to tenants. There are further details about the Scottish Social Housing Charter on Housing & Asset Management section. We published our report for 2022-23 as a digital version on our website. A four page summary can be found here. A copy of the Landlord Report, produced by the Scottish Housing Regulator, can be found here.
Internal performance monitoring is essential to ensure that we meet the standards we have set ourselves and are able to identify potential problems at an early stage. We monitor performance internally on a monthly basis.