Opportunities for Tenants
Currently, there are two opportunities for tenants to get involved with external organisations.
The Scottish Housing Regulator is looking for volunteers to join their National Panel.
The Panel is one of the ways that the Scottish Housing Regulator can hear what tenants and service users think and make sure it focuses on the important things.
Members receive occasional surveys and invites to take part in other feedback exercises. Participation is always optional, and you can leave at any time.
They want to include a diverse range of people on the Panel, including those who are not involved in other ways of giving views on landlord services. Members include council and housing association tenants, people who have used homeless services, homeowners who receive social landlord factoring or common repairs, and people living on social rented Gypsy/Traveller sites.
Ready to join?
Online at www.bit.ly/shr-panel
Call 0800 433 7212
Get a printed form on natpan@engagescotland.co.uk
or call 0800 433 7212
The second opportunity is with the Regional Networks.
The Regional Networks were set up in 2008 to enable tenants, residents and the Scottish Government to work collaboratively on issues of national policy.
Their objective is to improve the housing and well-being of tenants and residents in Scotland.
They work to promote tenants’ and residents’ interests in housing, planning, community regeneration, the environment and community safety.
They have some vacant spaces on some of their committees at present. If you are interested in becoming a Regional Network member or would like to know more about the Regional Networks, please contact the Tenant Priorities Team at: TPAdminsupport@gov.scot
You can find out more about the Regional Networks on their website at: www.regionalnetworks.org.uk.